About Us

Our Committee

President: Pam Butler

Vice-President: John Williamson

Secretary: Trish Thiedeman

Treasurer: John Olsen

Our Objectives

The objects for which the Society is established are:

  • To promote good fellowship among all people interested in Bromeliad culture and in horticulture generally.
  • To further the knowledge and advancement of all that pertains to Bromeliads, including their natural history, cultivation and hybridisation.
  • To disseminate knowledge of Bromeliads and carry out educational and research activities into all aspects of Bromeliaceae.

Our Constitution

Our Policy and Procedures

Meetings and the AGM

The Society holds regular monthly meetings and the Annual General Meeting (AGM) is usually held in March. Visitors are welcome to attend.

Dates: Third Thursday of each month (except December)
Time: 6:30 pm plant sales, 7:00 pm meeting commences
Location: Merthyr Uniting Church Hall, 52 Merthyr Road New Farm QLD


To become a member of the Bromeliad Society of Queensland, complete the Membership registration form or sign up in person at a meeting.


The Society organises two major plants shows a year, the Autumn show, usually held in March/April and the Spring show, usually held in September/ November. These shows give the public an opportunity to purchase plants from experienced growers.

The Society also organises events for members including bus trips and field days.

View all the Society events.


  • Bromeliaceae: a quarterly publication for members. The publication provides articles on growing and looking after bromeliads. It is posted to members or members can access the publication online. Older publications are available to the public.
  • Newsletter: a monthly newsletter published electronically. Sign up to the newsletter below.


The Society and our members have been featured on television programs and various articles: