Intro Text:
Learn how to do the basics.
These videos provide a simple introduction on the basics of growing bromeliads. They are general and should help you get started.
For more information, come along to our meetings as we run sessions for beginners.
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Promoting fellowship and knowledge in the cultivation and propagation of bromeliads in Queensland, Australia
Growing Bromeliads Videos
Intro Text:
Learn how to do the basics.
These videos provide a simple introduction on the basics of growing bromeliads. They are general and should help you get started.
For more information, come along to our meetings as we run sessions for beginners.
Growing Tillandsia from Seed
How to Harvest Pups – Todd
How to Plant Pups
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Bromeliad Society of Queensland
Promoting fellowship and knowledge in the cultivation and propagation of bromeliads in Queensland, Australia